Lists I'll be Making Soon
A list of lists/guides/blog posts I want to write soon! I'm So Meta Even This Acronym.
- favorite music
- favorite recipes (Rebecca's cookbook)
- why I try not to use social media
- what I use my phone for
- rejection therapy
- some of my favorite photos
- easy life wins
- my highly rated puns
- commitments for fall
- beginning of the semester checklist
- important life lessons
- Northeastern resources/tips
- bucket list
- themes
- ideas for activities with friends
- how to stay warm in the winter
- why racket is good and cool
- favorite movies
- google searches to cheer you up
- favorite vegetables
- "don't leave the house without ___" checklist
- all-purpose packing list
- when you turn 18 checklist
- hilarious youtube videos that never fail to make me laugh
- adult responsibilities
- mostly universal life skills
- failure resume
- all the items I own and use regularly
- halloween costume ideas
- why I'm excited about fall!!
- hard songs to sing
- goals